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Irinos Measurement System

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The Irinos-Tool has been designed as a multifunctional configuration and test tool for the Irinos-System. The scope of functions includes:

oChanging the network settings of the Irinos-System.

oGenerating the configuration file Msc.cfg for the MscDll.dll.

oListing the available Irinos-Boxes and measurement channels.

oConfiguration of the measurement channels for incremental encoders (1Vpp or TTL/RS422).

oDiagnostic functions for incremental encoder signals (1Vpp).

oDisplaying the static measurement values.

oPerforming firmware updates.

oReading the content of the diagnostic memory (and saving it to a file).

Further information is available in the documentation of the Irinos-Tool.


It is advised to put a copy of the Irinos-Tool on the measurement PC. No license fees apply, as long as it is only used together with the Irinos-System.


