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Irinos Measurement System

Navigation: Users Manual Irinos-System > Setup

Network configuration

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The Master-Box of the Irinos-System provides an integrated DHCP-Server, which is activated at delivery state. The IP address of the Irinos-Systems is, the subnet mask is If the Ethernet-Interface of the PC is configured as "DHCP-Client", a valid IP address is assigned to it (range to No further network configuration is required.


In delivery condition the DHCP-Server of the Irinos-System is activated. This is a good choice for a direct connection to a PC.

Before using the Irinos-System in an IT network, the DHCP-Server must be deactivated. Therefore the Irinos-System must be connected directly to a PC. Changing the IP settings is done via the Irinos-Tool.


In case the DHCP functionality is not preferred, there are two options:

a)The DHCP-Server at the Master-Box remains activated. Fixed IP settings are assigned to the network port of the PC, for example:
IP address:
Subnet mask:

b)The DHCP-Server of the Master-Box is deactivated via the Irinos-Tool. Almost any valid IP settings can be set. Fixed settings are assigned to the network port of the PC. For further information, take a look at the documentation of the Irinos-Tool.

For checking the IP connection, open a webbrowser at the PC and enter the IP address of the Irinos-Box into the address line. If the connection works properly, the website of the Irinos-System is shown (displaying measurement values). In case any problems appear, take a look at the first aid section.