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Irinos Measurement System

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Channel Assignment / Selecting incremental input type

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The Channel Assignment function of the Irinos Tool retrieves the measuring channel structure of the Irinos system. The channel assignment is generated by the master box directly after power-on.

It reflects the interconnection of the Irinos boxes and their respective measuring channels. Each single box contributes a certain amount of channels to this structure.


Incremental encoders are characterized by the type of signal they provide at the encoder interface. Two interface specifications are commonly used:

oEncoders providing sinusoidal 1 Volt peak-to-peak signals  (referred to as ‘1Vpp’ types) and

oEncoders delivering a square-wave TTL/RS422 signal (referred to as ‘TTL’ types).

According to the type of the encoder, the corresponding Irinos box needs to be preset with the encoder types to be operational. These pre-settings are configured as factory defaults, either 1Vpp or TTL for all channels of a box.

The user might want to alter this setup, for instance to adopt to a configuration which includes both types.

The graphical representation of the channel assignment, as displayed on the left-hand side of the function window, enables the user to alter these channel characteristic.

To modify this channel characteristic, select a channel by clicking the appropriate table row, then click one of the buttons

oSet channel to 1Vpp mode

oSet channel to TLL mode

Modifying  a channel characteristic from given factory defaults enables the user to configure his own setup of 1Vpp and TTL channels as needed.
