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Irinos Measurement System

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Diagnostic memory

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Each Irinos-Box has an integrated non-volatile diagnostic memory. If an event occurs, it will be stored in the diagnostics memory (if activated in the event configuration). The diagnostic memory can be accessed via the integrated webserver or the Irinos-Tool.

The diagnostic memory is an important tool for detailed problem analysis, especially if events occur sporadically.

Each Irinos-Box is able to store a minimum of 32 entries in the diagnostic memory. If it is full, the oldest entries will be cleared in order to provide space for new entries.


Besides the event type itself, a diagnostic entry contains additional information, which can be useful for problem-solving (e.g. ILink time and absolute time).

The ILink time is restarted together with the Irinos-System. Its unit is µs. It is identical on all Irinos-Boxes.

The absolute time contains the date and the time of the diagnostic entry. Since the Irinos-System is not equipped with a realtime clock, the absolute time is always 0 after start up of the Irinos-System. It must be written once by the PC application via the MscDll.


After start up, the diagnostic entry "System (1)" together with the text "System started" is added to the diagnostic memory. This allows determining, whether an event has occurred before or after the last system restart.