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Irinos Measurement System

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Status via 7-digit display (Master & Slave)

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The current status of the Irinos-Box is displayed via the 7-digit display.

Typically the 7-digit display shows the Box-number of the Irinos-Box. It is assigned at startup by the Master-Box. In case the Box-number has only one character (which is most times the case), the dot of the 7-digit display flashes:

7-Segment-Anzeige "2"

As soon as an event occures, the character "F" followed by the event number is displayed. E.g. F24 for overload of the incremental encoder power supply of the Irinos-Box IR-INC. This status can also be read out by the PC via the MscDll.

7-Segement-Anzeige "F" 7-Segment-Anzeige "2" 7Segment_4


After startup, the current IP network information of the Irinos system is displayed once on the first available 7-digit display. If a Master IR-MASTER is used, it will be displayed on this box. If an integrated Master is used, it will be displayed on the first Slave-Box.

If the DHCP-Server is active, only "dHCP" will be displayed. Otherwise the IP address followed by the subnet mask will be displayed.

[Note: If an integrated Master is used without a Slave-Box, the IP information cannot be displayed.]