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Irinos Measurement System

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Diagnostic events

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Each Irinos-Box has a common event handler. If an event occurs, it will be reported to this event handler. Depending on the event type, it

ois reported to the user and the application and/or

oit will be added to the diagnostic memory.

In normal operation, no event should occur.

In order to distinguish between different events, several event types are available. Each event type has a specific event number.


Depending on the event configuration, it will be displayed via the 7-digit display or the status LED of the Irinos-Box. Further it can be readout via the MscDll.


The Irinos-System has very sophisticated internal error detection mechanisms to ensure a reliable operation. Most events have a hypothetical character. Therefore they are not documented. Please contact the support, if such an event occurs.

Following those events are listed, which are relevant for practice:

Event 1: System


Common system event




oSystem started

oDiagnostics memory has been cleared

Reported to the user / application

No, cannot be enabled

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, cannot be disabled

Event 4: MscDll communication error


An error has been detected regarding the communication between the Irinos-System and the MscDll.



Reason / Solution

oan invalid opcode has been used („Invalid opcode in RX packet“)
-> Only use valid opcodes

oThe send- or receive- buffer size is too small („Too much TX data“)
-> Use the port number and buffers sizes for the Msc.cfg, which are given in the reference manual.

Reported to the user / application

Yes, cannot be disabled

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, can be disabled

Event 12: ILink module detection error


This error can occur only during the start-up phase of the Irinos-System. One or more Slave-Boxes cannot be detected or enumerated properly or the ILink termination cannot be activated properly.



Reason / Solution

oInvalid ILink cabling or broken ILink cable.
-> Check the ILink cabling.

oMultiple Master-Boxes in one Irinos-System.
-> Only one Master-Box is allowed per Irinos-System.

oBroken Irinos-Box
-> Replace the Irinos-Box


For Irinos-Systems with multiple Slave-Boxes:

First test the system using only 1, then 2, then 3, ... Slave-Boxes in order to locate the problem.

Reported to the user / application

Yes, can be disabled.

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, can be disabled.

Event 13: ILink communication error


The ILink communication between the Irinos-Boxes has been disrupted.



Reason / Solution

oInvalid ILink cabling or broken ILink cable.
-> Check the ILink cabling.

oInsufficient power supply (e.g. short voltage drops)
-> Use a sufficiently dimensioned power supply.


The ILink communication has an integrated data integrity check and a data retransmission in case of an error. If the retransmission fails multiple times, this event occurs.

Reported to the user / application

Yes, can be disabled

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, can be disabled

Event 15: Sine-oscillator


The sine oscillator for the inductive probes has been overloaded (e.g. short circuit).



Reason / Solution

oDefective probe
-> Replace the defective probe.

oProbe connected incorrectly, e.g. if an extension cable is used.
-> Check the pinning


If the problem is removed, the event is automatically cleared.

In order to locate the defective probe, remove them one after the other. Wait for 10s after each probe. If the event has been cleared (can bee seen at the 7-digit display or the status LED), the defective probe has been removed.

Reported to the user / application

Yes, can be disabled

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, can be disabled

Event 21: Invalid dynamic measurement config


A configuration mismatch has been detected at the start of a dynamic measurement.



Reason / Solution

oInvalid time-period in trigger for time-triggered dynamic measurement.
-> The time-period must be a multiple of the sample-times of the involved Irinos-Boxes.

Reported to the user / application

Yes, can be disabled

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, can be disabled

Event 24: Inc. encoder power error


The power supply of one or multiple channels for incremental encoders has been overloaded.



Reason / Solution

oBroken incremental encoder or defective cable
-> Replace incremental encoder.

oInvalid conncetion of the incremental encoder.
-> Check pinning.

oPower consumption of the incremental encoder is too high
-> See specifications.


oIf an overload or short circuit occurs at a single input channel for incremental encoders, only this channel will be disabled. All other input channels remain active.
As soon as the overload / short circuit condition has been removed, the event will be cleared automatically.

oIf the total load is too high, all input channels will be turned off. Restarting the Irinos-System is required.

Reported to the user / application

Yes, can be disabled.

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, can be disabled.

Event 25: Inc. encoder application error


Encoder signals were / are out of specification.



Reason / Solution

oConnector of incremental encoder has been removed.

oConnector of incremental encoder is not properly fixed (loose connection).
-> Fix connector properly.

oInput frequency of the incremental encoder too high.
-> Slow down the speed of the incremental encoder / Avoid mechanical tension or shock

oCable of incremental encoder too long.
-> Use a short cable

oInvalid pin assignment of the incremental encoder
-> Check pin assignment

oOutput signals of the incremental encoder are outside of the specification
-> Check signals using the Irinos-Tool.


oThe incremental signals can be verified using the Irinos-Tool (only 1Vpp).

oPlease observer the application notes regarding incremental encoders.

oAn input channel can be reset using the opcode opcSP (0x35). See reference manual for further details.

Reported to the user / application

Yes, can be disabled.

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, can be disabled.

Event 27: Firmware update error


An error occurred during the firmware update process.



Reason / Solution

oInvalid firmware file.
-> Use a valid firmware file.

oTransmission error
-> Repeat the firmware update.


If a firmware update fails, the old firmware version remains active.

Reported to the user / application

Yes, can be disabled.

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, cannot be disabled.

Event 28: Firmware update successful


Firmware successfully updated



Reported to the user / application

No, cannot be enabled.

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, cannot be disabled.

Event 33: Reference voltage error


Overload / short circuit of the reference value for the analogue inputs.



Reason / Solution

oOverload of the reference voltage
-> Reduce load (see specifications)

oSensor broken or defective cable
-> Check sensor and cable

oInvalid pin assignment of the sensor connector
-> Check pin assignment


After the problem has been fixed, the Irinos-System must be restarted.

Reported to the user / application

Yes, can be disabled.

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, can be disabled.

Event 34: 24V output error


The 24V supply for the digital in-/outputs and the analogue inputs has been overloaded.



Reason / Solution

oLoad too high
-> Reduce maximum load (see specifications)

oBroken sensor / actuator or defective cable
-> Check sensor / actuator and cabling

oInvalid pin assignment of the connector
-> Check pin assignment


After the problem has been fixed, the 24V supply output will be re-enabled and the event will be cleared automatically.

Reported to the user / application

Yes, can be disabled.

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, can be disabled.

Event 35: IoBus communication error


The communication between the IR-MASTER and an I/O-Box has been / is disturbed.



Reason / Solution

oI/O-Box has been switched off.

oCable to the I/O-Box has been removed.

oDefective IO-Bus cable
-> Replace cable

oImproper termination of the IO-Bus.
-> Check termination

Reported to the user / application

Yes, can be disabled.

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, can be disabled.

Event 36: Digital I/O error


The output driver for the digital outputs has been overloaded (thermal overload).



Reason / Solution

oContinuous load too high.
-> Reduce load according to specifications.


As soon as the output driver has cooled down, the outputs will be re-enabled and the event will be cleared automatically.

Reported to the user / application

Yes, can be disabled.

Stored in diagnostic memory

Yes, can be disabled.