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Irinos Measurement System

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IR-MASTER for the communication with the PC

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The main task of the Irinos-Box IR-MASTER is the communication with the PC. It is available in two types:

oType IR-MASTER-IOB-64-64-0-SYSP-ETHIL has a connector for the IO-Bus. It allows the connection of external I/O-Boxes with digital in- and outputs. These are available as a desktop version or for hat rail / DIN rail mounting.

oType IR-MASTER-KB1-68-68-3-SYSP-ETHIL is additionally equipped with 4 digital inputs, 4 digital outputs and 3 analogue inputs ±10V (see figure).


The definition of the type string is as follows:




Connector overview IR-MASTER-KB1


Connectors / Elements

The Irinos-Box IR-MASTER has the following elements (depending on type):

o7-digit display

oILink interface for the connection of additional Slave-Boxes

oEthernet interface for the connection to the PC

o2x2 digital inputs and 2x2 digital outputs

o3 analogue inputs ±10V

oIO-Bus - for the connection of I/O-Boxes


Ethernet LEDs

LED „Speed“



Connection speed 10 MBit/s


Connection speed 100 MBit/s


LED „Link“



No ethernet connection established


Ethernet connection established, no data transfer active


Ethernet connection established, data transfer active



The IO-Bus is internally always handled as 64 digital in- and outputs. I.e. if an Irinos-Box IR-MASTER is used, the first 64 digital inputs are assigned to the IO-Bus. The same applies to the digital outputs. This is also the case, if no I/O-Box is connected to the IO-Bus.

The 4 integrated digital in- and outputs are counted as input / output 65..68.


Each integrated in- and output has an additional Status-LED. It is turned on, if the respective in- or output is at high level.


Analogue inputs

The analogue inputs are measured synchronously (no multiplexing).

In order to allow a quick exchange of the Irinos-Box by an identical type, all input channels are digitally pre-calibrated to deliver -32.000 digits at -10V and +32.000 digits at +10V.


Due to their high input impedance, the measurement value may float if no input signal is connected. This is not a defect. It is a consequence of the high-class input specificatons.