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Irinos Measurement System

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Master vs. integrated Master vs. Slave

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Each Irinos-System has exactly one "Master-Box". Ethernet connection to the PC is made via this box. All other (optional) Irinos-Boxes are called "Slave-Box".



Each Irinos-System has exactly one Master-Box. Multiple Master-Boxes are not allowed.

A Master-Box has an Ethernet interface (connector M12, waterblue) and an ILink interface (2x DSUB 15-pin).

A Slave-Box only has an ILink interface.



Regarding the Master-Box, a difference has to be made between a separate Master-Box an a so-called "integrated Master".

The purpose of a separate Master-Box (IR-MASTER) mainly is the communication to the PC. Depending on the variant, it has digital in- and outputs and analogue inputs. Typically it is used together with at least one Slave-Box.

The integrated Master is a measurement Box with integrated Ethernet interface. If only a few measurement channels are used, it can be the only box used in an Irinos-System.

For the PC it does not matter, which type is used.


No general advice can be given, which type to use. This depends on the measurement application and perhaps also on the requirements made by the end customer. The following table lists the most important advantages of each type:



Integrated Master

oBetter maintenance: all measurement boxes of the same input type are Slave-Boxes. Thereby they are identical -> less stock of replacement boxes due to less variants.

oVariant available with 4 digital in- and outputs and 3 analogue inputs ±10V.

oConnection of additional digital in- and outputs via IO-Bus.

oHigher data throughput to the PC with fast measurements and many measurement channels.

o7-digit display for easier diagnostics

oNo additional costs for separate Master.

o2 digital inputs, e.g. for push button or foot pedal.