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Irinos Measurement System

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Some Irinos-Boxes are available in two different types, "integrated Master" and "Slave". Their only difference is the communicaton section. The measurement sections is always identical. The follwing figure shows this with the Irinos-Box IR-TFV:



Integrierter Master vs. Slave

Comparison "integrated Master" vs. "Slave"



The integrated Master has a status LED for signalling the system status, the ILink interface for the enhancement by additional Slave-Boxes, an Ethernet interface for the connection to the PC and two digital inputs, e.g. for the connection of a foot pedal or push button:


Anschlüsse "integrierter Master"

Connections and signalling elements of the "integrated Master"


The Ethernet status is displayed next to the Ethernet connector: the LED "Eth" is turned on as soon as an Ethernet connection is active. While data is transferred, this LED flashes.



A Slave-Box has a 7-digit status display and the ILink interface for the connection to the Master-Box and for further enhancement of the Irinos-System by additional Slave-Boxes:

Anschlüsse "Slave-Box"

Connections and signalling elements of a "Slave-Box"