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ILink cabling

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Changing the ILink cabling during operation is not allowed. Very short interruptions will lead to a communication error. Afterwards the system must be restarted.



oILink is a bus system in line topology. Each Irinos-Box has two ILink connectors.

oTwo Irinos-Boxes are connected by one ILink cable. At the first and the last Irinos-Box, one of the ILink connectors will remain unused. Two protection caps are delivered with each Master-Box. Use these to protect the unused connectors.

oThe Irinos-System enables the required termination at both ends of the ILink cabling automatically.
An active termination is signalled by a blue LED between both ILink connectors. At all other boxes, this LED must be off.

oIn general, it does not matter whether the upper or the lower ILink connector is used. Both are technically identical.
The only exception is, if the Master-Box is not the first or the last Box of the Irinos-System. In this case the connector affects the addressing of the Slave-Boxes.
Therefore it is advised to use the Master-Box as the first or the last Box of the Irinos-System, since then no care must be taken when this Box is replaced.
(The Irinos-Power supply can be placed at the the other side without affecting the addressing, since it is not part of the ILink communication system.)

oThe maximum allowed length of the ILink cabling is 20m (between first and last Irinos-Box).

oIf the power supply IR-PU50 is used as the first or the last Irinos-Box, the maximum cable length to the next Irinos-Box is 0,3m.

oPlease note that only one Irinos-Box containing an Ethernet-Interface is allowed per Irinos-System (i.e. only one Master-Box IR-MASTER or "integrated Master"). Using multiple Master-Boxes, the ILink communication will not work.

oThe maximum number of Irinos-Boxes allowed is 32 (including Master-Box).



Connect neighbouring Irinos-Boxes using an ILink connection cable. Make sure that the DSUB connector is fixed using both threaded bolds.

The following figure shows an example for the ILink cabling:


Example for the ILink cabling

Protect all unused DSUB connectors using the protection caps delivered with the Master-Box.