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Irinos Measurement System

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Ethernet cabling

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The Ethernet interface is of standard type (no special enhancements), like it is used for example in IT networking. This allows connecting the Irinos-System to any standard PC or laptop Ethernet port. It can also be used with standard Ethernet switches.

The communication between the Irinos-System and the PC has been designed for fault tolerance. In case a data packet is lost, it will be retransferred automatically. This retransmission results in a delay of the availability of measurement values. Hence it should be an exceptional case. (It has no influence on the realtime capability of the system, since the values are internally buffered.)

In order to minimize the number of retransmissions, it is strongly advised to use a direct connection between the Irinos-System and the PC. Therefore the Ethernet interface of the Irinos-System is directly connected to an unused Ethernet interface of the PC. Experience has shown, that retransmissions almost never occur.

The Irinos-System has not been designed for use with routers, VPN connections, wireless connections and similar.

An integrated "cross-over detection" ensures that it does not matter, whether 1:1 or crossed Ethernet cables are used.



By factory defaults, the DHCP-Server of the Irinos-System is activated. This is a good choice for a direct connection to a PC.

Before using the Irinos-System in an IT network, the DHCP-Server must be deactivated. Therefore the Irinos-System must be connected directly to a PC. Changing the IP settings is done via the Irinos-Tool.