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Irinos Measurement System

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IO-Bus cabling

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The IO-Bus cabling is only required, if I/O-Boxes need to be connected to the Master-Box IR-MASTER via the IO-Bus.
If the Irinos-Boxes IR-DIO are used, no IO-Bus connection is required. These are connected via ILink.



oThe IO-Bus is a bus system in line topology.

oThe Irinos-Box IR-MASTER is the start of the IO-Bus. A maximum of 4 I/O-Boxes, each with up to 16 digital in- and outputs, can be connected.

oThe last I/O-Box requires termination.
If the desktop version is used, this is done automatically, signalled by its termination LED.
If the hat / din rail version is used, the termination must be activated via one of its DIP switches.

oEach I/O-Box must be addressed manually. Therefore the address must be selected via decode switch or dip switch.
Valid addresses are 2, 4, 6, 8. Each address must only be unique.

oThe maximum length of the IO-Bus cabling is 20m.



oSelect the addresses at the I/O-Boxes (-> desktop version or -> hat-/din-rail version).

oIf I/O-Boxes of the hat-/din-rail version are used: activate the termination via the DIP switch at the last box of the IO-Bus cabling.

oConnecting neighbouring I/O-Boxes using the IO-Bus cables.