This opcode allows changing the configuration of events, e.g. disabling the notification about an event.
For most applications there is no need to change the standard settings.
Opcode: 0x3D
Name: opcWEvCfg
Function: Write event configuration
Parameter type: String
Request string to the Irinos-System
#{No of Irinos-Box};{Value 1};{EventNo};{EventEnabled};{Max number of diagnostic entries}#
Example: #2;1;7;1;5#
No of Irinos-Box
Number (address) of the Irinos-Box
Value 1
Value 1 must be used for this parameter.
Event number. The available event numbers can be found in the users manual.
•0 --> Event is ignored.
•1 --> Event is signalled, e.g. by displaying it on the 7-digit display.
Max number of diagnostic entries
This value is used for parametrizing the maximum number of entries in the diagnostic memory for the specific event since startup. By using the value 0, no diagnostic entries are written. The default value for most events is 10. This ensures that the diagnostic memory is not filled up with the same event multiple times, since this does usually not provide additional information.
Response string from the Irinos-System
#0# Success
#-n# Invalid parameter no n
#-99# General syntax error of the request string
Not all events can be parametrized. Further information can be found in the users manual.
The event configuration is only changed at the Irinos-Box, which is addressed by the parameter "No of Irinos-Box". If the event configuration shall be changed at multiple or all Irinos-Boxes, this configuration string must be send to all Irinos-Boxes. The same applies if multiple events shall be configured.