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Irinos Measurement System

Navigation: MscDll Reference Guide > Opcodes and parameters

Parameter type "String"

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For opcodes with the parameter type "string", the following rules apply:

a)Only ASCII characters in the range 0x20 .. 0x7F must be used. The extended ANSII characters or "wide strings (16 bits)" are not supported.

b)Everey string is framed by one leading and one trailing ‚#‘ character. This characters are stripped before scanning the string and does not carry any information.

c)Immediately after the leading ‚#‘ character follows the command code. This is a variable length substring that must match the predefined command exactly. Upper and lower case are important.

d)Items within a string are separated by semicolons.

e)Unused parts of a parameter string must contain the ‚*‘ character. The semicolon must always be present.