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Irinos Measurement System

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opcClrEv: Clear event

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This opcode allows clearing (deleting) an active event.



Opcode:              0x3E

Name:                opcClrEv

Function:            Clear event

Parameter type:        String





Request string to the Irinos-System

#{No of Irinos-Box};{Value 1};{EventNo}#

Example: #0;1;7#

No of Irinos-Box

Number (address) of the Irinos-Box

Value 1

Value 1 must be used for this parameter.


Event number. The available event numbers can be found in the users manual.


Response string from the Irinos-System

#0#        Success

#-n#        Invalid parameter no n

#-99#        General syntax error of the request string



oTypically the event, which shall be cleared, has been readout using the opcode opcREv before.

oIf an event is cleared, which is not active, this opcode has no effect.

oClearing an event does not eliminate the cause of the event! Depending on the event type, it may occur again immediately.

oThe event configuration is only cleared at the Irinos-Box, which is addressed by the parameter "No of Irinos-Box". If the event configuration shall be cleared at multiple or all Irinos-Boxes, this configuration string must be send to all Irinos-Boxes.

oSome events are cleared automatically if the cause has been removed. This applies for example for the event "Sine oscillator short circuit", which is cleared as soon as the short circuit has been removed.