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Irinos Measurement System

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opcDDMx: Define dynamic measurement

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A dynamic measurement is configured via this opcode.



Opcode:              0x50 for dynamic measurement 1
                     0x51 for dynamic measurement 2

Name:                opcDDM1 for dynamic measurement 1
                     opcDDM2 for dynamic measurement 2

Function:            Define dynamic measurement

Parameter type:        String





Request string to the Irinos-System

#{Trigger number};{Number of channel list};{Active};{Max. number of samples}#

Trigger number

Number of the trigger (1 or 2), which is used for the dynamic measurement. It must be defined using the opcode opcDT.

Number of channel list

Number of the channel list (1 .. 10), which shall be used for the dynamic measurement. It must be defined using the opcode opcWCL.


1 to enable the dynamic measurement.
0 to disable the dynamic measurement.

Max. number of samples

Max number of samples to be stored. Use * for ‚no limit‘.


Response string from the Irinos-System

#0#        Success

#-n#        Invalid parameter no n

#-99#        General syntax error of the request string



In order to start a dynamic measurement, both, the measurement must be defined and activated and the trigger must be defined and activated (see opcDT and opcAT). It does not matter which of these two is defined and activated first.


There are 4 possibilities to stop a dynamic measurement:

oVia the parameter "active = 0" of this opcode.

oVia a "max number of samples" of this opcode. The measurement will stop if the number of samples have been stored.

oBy inactivating the assigned trigger (see opcIT).

oBy defining an end value for the trigger (see opcDT).

An endless measurement is not allowed. The typical duration of a dynamic measurement is < 60s.


A dynamic measurement samples all measurement channels, which are contained in the assigned channel list. This results in a curve for each measurement channel. For each curve a buffer must be provided using the function MSC_AttachSubChannelBuffer. It is very important, that all required buffers are provided and that they have an appropriate size.


The channel list 0 always contains all measurement channels and should not be used for the dynamic measurement.