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Irinos Measurement System

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opcRDMx: Read dynamic measurement values

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This opcode is required for reading dynamic measurement values, which have been stored in the Irinos-System.



Opcode:              0x60 for dynamic measurement 1
                     0x61 for dynamic measurement 2

Name:                opcRDM1 for dynamic measurement 1
                     opcRDM2 for dynamic measurement 2

Function:            Read dynamic measurement (values)

Parameter type:        Binary



Reading the dynamic measurement values is a complex process. The interpretation of the binary data is always done by the MscDll.


In order to read dynamic measurement values, a dynamic transfer channel must be used:

oA dynamic transfer channel is established using MSC_SetupExtendedDynamicChannel.

oFor each measurement channel used in a dynamic measurement, a buffer must be allocated. This buffer must be assigned to the MscDll using the function MSC_AttachSubChannelBuffer.

The MscDll automatically writes the measurement values into the assigned buffers. The application can read directly from these buffers. All measurement values are stored as 32 bi signed integer values.

During and after a dynamic measurement, the function MSC_GetPosition allows retrieving the number of measurement values, which have already been stored in the buffers (--> filling level of the buffers). All buffers of the same dynamic measurement have the same filling level.