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Irinos Measurement System

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opcWCL: Write channel list

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This opcode writes a channel list to the Irinos-System.

A valid channel list is always required for dynamic measurement. It can further be used to select channels for static measurement (not required).



Opcode:              0x22

Name:                opcWCL

Function:            Write channel list

Parameter type:        String





Request string to the Irinos-System

#{Number of channel list};{Channel name 1};…;{Channel name n}#



Number of channel list

Number of the channel list, which shall be written. Permissible values: 1..10

Channel name

Name of the measurement channel according to the channel assignment.

During startup all measurement channels are named in ascending order: T1, T2, T3, ...

The channel names can be changed via the channel assignment (opcWCA).


Response string from the Irinos-System

#0#        Success

#-n#        Invalid parameter no n

#-99#        General syntax error of the request string



Channel lists contain all or a selection of the available measurement channels.

They are used to select the measurement channels, which shall be used for a dynamic measurement (see opcDDMx). If a channel list is changed while a dynamic measurement is active, this has no effect on the dynamic measurement. It will be used if the next dynamic measurement is started.
The maximum number of channels allowed for dynamic measurement is 32.

Channel lists can be used to reduce the number of measurement channels used for static measurement (see opcACL). For systems with less than about 64 measurement channels, this makes no sense. If more measurement channels are available, this can speed up transferring dynamic measurement values from the Irinos-System to the PC.
If the channel list used for static measurement is changed, it becomes active immediately.

The channel list 0 corresponds to the channel assignment (see opcRCA) and contains all measurement channels available. It can only be changed via the opcode opcWCA.
All other channel lists (1..10) can be overwritten at any time.