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Irinos Measurement System

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opcRS: Read static measurement values

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This opcode is used for reading all current (static) measurement values.



Opcode:              0x40

Name:                opcRS

Function:            Read static (measurement values)

Parameter type:        Binary



The static measurement values can be readout continuously using the functions MSC_SetupStaticChannel and MSC_ReadStatic. This is the preferred way.

Alternatively they can be requested with MSC_WriteCommand.


Request data to the Irinos-System



Response data from the Irinos-System

Longword 0        Measurement value of measurement channel 1

Longword 1        Measurement value of measurement channel 2

Longword n        Measurement value of measurement channel n+1



The longword is a 32 Bit signed integer. All measurement values are transferred as longwords. This applies also for measurement channels with 8 or 16 bit resolution.

The measurement channels are selected via the active channel list (see opcWCA, opcWCL and opcACL). After startup the channel list contains all measurement channels.