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Irinos Measurement System

Navigation: Users Manual Irinos-System > Measurement / Control via MscDll > Error- and diagnostics-management

Reading / resetting the event status of Irinos-Boxes

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Reading the event status

Each Irinos-Box has its own event handler. If a special event occurs in the Irinos-Box, it is reported to the event handler. Under normal operation, no event should occur.

The last event reported is set as "current Event". It can be readout via the opcode opcREv (0x39) together with the function MSC_WriteCommand:

MscDll Ereignis abfragen

Steps for "reading the event status"


Clear the event status

By clearing (deleting) an event, it is no longer set as "current Event" and it is no longer displayed via the status LED respectively the 7-digit display. Please note:


Clearing the event does not solve the problem! Depending on the event type, it may reoccur immediately.


Clearing the event is done via the opcode opcClrEv (0x3E) together with the function MSC_WriteCommand:

MscDll Ereignis löschen

Steps for "clearing the event status"