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Irinos Measurement System

Navigation: Users Manual Irinos-System > Measurement / Control via MscDll > Error- and diagnostics-management

Setting the absolute time for the diagnostics memory

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Each Irinos-Box has an integrated diagnostics memory. It is a tool which can support problem analysis. Especially if problems occur sporadically, it is very useful to get detailed information about the time and the frequency an event has occured. Therefore the ILink-Time is added to each entry in the diagnostics memory.

Additionally the current date and time can be added to each entry. Since the Irinos-System does not have an internal realtime clock (RTC), the application needs to send the current date and time after the Irinos-System has been started. This is done via the function MSC_WriteCommand together with the opcode opcSAbsT (0x3A).

For longterm operation it is recommended to update the date and time once per day in order to adjust any inaccuracies of the internal clock.

MscDll Absolutzeit

Steps for "set absolute time"