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Irinos Measurement System

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opcRCL: Read channel list

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This opcode allows reading a channel list from the Irinos-System.



Opcode:              0x23

Name:                opcRCL

Function:            Read channel list

Parameter type:        String





Request string to the Irinos-System

#{Number of channel list}#

Example: #3#

Number of channel list

Number of the channel list, which shall be readout. Permissible values: 0..10


Response string from the Irinos-System

Liste        See description below

#-n#        Invalid parameter no n

#-99#        General syntax error of the request string


Description of the channel list

#{Number of channel list};{Channel name 1};…;{Channel name n}#

Beispiel: #2;T1;T2;T5;T18#

Number of channel list

Number of the channel list, which has been readout.

Channel name

Name of the measurement channel.



After startup all channel lists are automatically created. Each contains all measurement channels.

Prior to a dynamic measurement, the channel list used for the dynamic measurement must be written with the selected channels (see opcWCL).

Channel lists contain all or a selection of the available measurement channels.

The channel list 0 corresponds to the channel assignment (see opcRCA) and contains all measurement channels available.