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Irinos Measurement System

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opcAT: Activate trigger for dynamic measurement

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This opcode allows activating a trigger for a dynamic measurement. If the trigger is assigned to a dynamic measurement, this will start the dynamic measurement.



Opcode:              0x31

Name:                opcAT

Function:            Activate Trigger

Parameter type:        String





Request string to the Irinos-System

#{Trigger number}#

Example: #2#

Trigger number

Number of the trigger, which shall be activated (1 or 2)


Response string from the Irinos-System

#0#        Success

#-1#        Invalid trigger number

#-99#        General syntax error of the request string



If a dynamic measurement is started without an active trigger, no measurement values will be sampled.

In order to start a dynamic measurement, both, the measurement must be defined and activated (see opcDDMx) and the trigger must be defined and activated (see opcDT and opcAT). It does not matter which of these two is defined and activated first.