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Irinos Measurement System

Navigation: MscDll Reference Guide > API (programming interface) > Notifications


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This function registers a event for notification.

Details for using Events can be found in the documentation of your development tools.



    MSC_HANDLE Handle,
    int OpCode,
    HANDLE Event




Device-Handle, which has been returned by a previous call of the function MSC_OpenDevice.


oOpcode of the static channel (opcRS, opcRHS oder opcBIO). A notification message will be sent, if new data has arrived for the respective opcode.

o-1 for a notification in case of a communication timeout (see MSC_Start).

oThe opcode of the dynamic measurement (opcRDM1 oder opcRDM2). If the receive buffer of the respective dynamic measurement is full, a notification message will be sent.


Initialized event handle.


Return value

If successful, MSC_STATUS_SUCCESS will be returned. In case of an error, an error code will be returned.



The notification is only used for devices and for static and dynamic data transfer channels.

A device notification reports about a communication error.

For a static data transfer channel, the notification is sent each time new data has arrived (-> once per send period).

For a dynamic data transfer channel, the notification is only sent, if the receive buffer is completely full.

The notification can be unregistered if the function is called with Event == NULL.

The MscDll never resets this event.


See also

