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Irinos Measurement System

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Using notifications, the application can be informed about the following events:

a)Connection failure („DisconnectTimeout“, see MSC_Start)

b)New data available for a static data channel (see MSC_SetupStaticChannel)

c)Receive buffer for dynamic measurement full.

The use of notifications is recommended but not required.


Using notifications, it is very important that the notification itself and reading, processing and displaying data is handled in a separate threads. Otherwise this may lead to communication delays or even to a breakdown of the communication.


The following approach is suggested:

oIn case a notification occurs, a flag is set.

oThis flag is checked cyclically in a thread. If it is set, new data is read and processed and the flag is reset.

This cyclic check can for example be implemented into a 30ms timer-event of the GUI.


It is recommended to use messages for notifications (MSC_SetNotificationMessage).