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Irinos Measurement System

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Due to its flexible design, the Irinos-System can be used for a wide range of measurement applications. This reaches from small SPC systems up to complex measurement machines with a lot of measurement probes.

The Irinos-System consits of at least one and a maximum of 32 Irinos-Boxes. Each Irinos-Box has a fixed number of measurement channels (e.g. 4 or 8). These Irinos-Boxes are connected to each other in line-topology via the ILink interface, i.e. two Irinos-Boxes are always connected by an ILink cable. The maximum distance allowed between the first and the last Irinos-Box is 20m.

The ILink interface combines three jobs at once:

a)Data exchange between the Irinos-Boxes.

b)Time-synchronisation of all measurement channels.

c)Power supply of the Irinos-Boxes.


Irinos-Boxes with different types of measurement inputs can be combined without restrictions.

For the PC respectively the measurement software, the number of Irinos-Boxes is irrelevant. It always "sees" one Irinos-System, whose number of measurement channels is determined by the Irinos-Boxes available.
The measurement values are transferred automatically between the Irinos-Boxes via the ILink interface. Via the Ethernet interface they are transferred as a coherent block to the PC.