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Irinos Measurement System

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Verifying the system structure

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The Irinos-System provides a string, which reflects its structure. It contains the number of boxes and their order numbers in the order of their addresses.

It is recommended to request this string after the start of the measurement application in order to compare it with a reference string. Therefore the reference string must be stored in the application once, e.g. in its ini-file.
This ensures that the Irinos-System has the structure, which is expected by the application. If for example an Irinos-Box has been removed, the application recognizes this through the string comparison and can take appropriate action (e.g. showing a warning message).

The following figure shows the required steps for reading and comparing the system-string:

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Steps for "comparing the system-string"


The system-string is requested using the function MSC_WriteCommand together with the opcode opcRSS (0x05).

It can also be requested manually using the inventory section of the Irinos-Tool.


Alternatively or additionally it is possible to request a detailed overview about the Irinos-System. However, this approach is far more complex.