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Irinos Measurement System

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opcWCC: Write channel characteristics

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This opcode is used for parametrizing a measurement channel. The parameters depends on the channel type. Currently this opcode is only used for input channels for incremental encoders of the Irinos-Box IR-INC.



Opcode:              0x09

Name:                opcWCC

Function:            Write channel characteristics

Parameter type:        String





Request string to the Irinos-System

#{ChannelName};{Configuration type};{Store}#

e.g. #T10;TTL;1#


Name of the measurement channel.

After startup all measurement channels are enumerated in ascending order with the names T1 T2 T3 T4 ... Tn.

The name of the measurement channel can be changed by the application via the opcode opcWCA. In this case the newly assigned channel name must be used.

Configuration type

„1VSS“ to change an incremental channel type to 1Vpp.

„TTL“ to change an incremental channel type to TTL / RS422.


0“: The change remains active until the next system restart. Afterwards the old configuration becomes active again.

1“: The change applies permanently.

Please note: The number of write operations into the nonvolatile memory is limited. Further information can be found in the users manual.
If a measurement channel is reconfigured for the same type as it already was, no store operation is executed -> it is for example possible to configure the same channel for the same type multiple times after startup by the application.


Response string from the Irinos-System in case an incremental channel was addressed (IR-INC)

#0#        Success

#-n#        Parameter ‚n‘ of the request string invalid

#-99#        General syntax error of the request string


Response string from the Irinos-System in case any other measurement channel was addressed




A measurement channel for incremental encoders can also be configured for 1Vpp or TTL/RS422 via the Irinos-Tool.

After configuration the position of the incremental input channel is reset.

By reconfiguring an incremental input channel after start of the application software, it does not matter how an Irinos-Box is pre-configured. This allows a quick replacement of an Irinos-Box without manual reconfiguration of the "new" Irinos-Box.