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Irinos Measurement System

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opcRST: System Reset

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This opcode allows restarting the whole Irinos-System. Only use this opcode after consulting the manufacturer.



Opcode:              0x7E

Name:                opcRST

Function:            System-Reset

Parameter type:        String





Request string to the Irinos-System

#RESET_MTS;{Delay Master-Box};{Delay Slave-Boxen}#

Delay Master-Box

Time in ms until the Master-Box (-> first Irinos-Box) will be restarted.

Delay Slave-Boxen

Time in ms until all Slave-Boxes will be restarted.


Response string from the Irinos-System

#0#        Success

#-n#        Invalid parameter no n

#-99#        General syntax error of the request string



The delay for the Master must be longer than the delay for the Slaves. Use the following values:


The reset command is send to all Slave-Boxes via the ILink interface. If the ILink interface does not work properly, no slave can be reset.