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Irinos Measurement System

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opcSP: Set (channel-)parameter

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This opcode allows parametrizing a measurement channel. The parameters depend on the channel type. Currently this opcode is only used for measurement channels for incremental encoders (1Vpp or TTL/RS422).



Opcode:              0x35

Name:                opcSP

Function:            Set (channel-)Parameter

Parameter type:        String





Request string to the Irinos-System

#{Channel Name};{Position};{Reference index on/off}#

Channel Name

Name of the measurement channel according to the channel assignment.

During startup all measurement channels are named in ascending order: T1, T2, T3, ...

The channel names can be changed via the channel assignment (opcWCA).


New position value for this measurement channel. This allows setting the position of the measurement channel.

* if the position of the measurement channel shall not be changed. This is required, if only the reference index shall be turned on or off.

~ in order to reset the gain- and offset-control of the measurement channel. The position value will be reset to 0. This makes only sense for 1Vpp channels.

$ in order to completely reset the measurement channel. The incremental encoder will be switched off for about 10ms. The position will be set to 0.

Reference index on/off

Permissible parameter values:

REFON to enable the reference index.
In addition, the statusbit "Refmark" (see opcode opcRHS) will be enabled now, if the reference index is crossed.

REFOFF to disable the reference index.

If the reference index is enabled, the position of the measurement channel will be set to 0, if the index is crossed.


Response string from the Irinos-System / measurement channel for incremental encoder (IR-INC)

#0#        Success

#-n#        Invalid parameter no n

#-99#        General syntax error of the request string


Response string from the Irinos-System / measurement channel does not support this opcode



Examples for request strings to incremental measurement channels


The current position of the measurement channel T5 will be set to -2000. The reference index will be disabled.



The reference index of the measurement channel T5 will be enabled. The position will not be changed.



The gain- and offset control of the measurement channel T5 will be reset. The position will be set to 0. The reference index will be disabled.


Comments for incremental measurement channels

The error flags and the status bit "Refmark" will be cleared (these can be readout via the opcode opcRHS). Exception: This does not apply, if the character * is used for the parameter "position".

If the "position"-parameter $ is used, two of the measurement channels will be disabled for about 500ms. In this case, no position value will be available. This does also apply, if a dynamic measurement is active. Do not use this parameter for normal operation. It is intended for resetting a measurement channel after a signal problems of the encoder have occurred.
Depending on the selected measurement channels, the inputs 1 & 3 or 2 & 4 will be disabled.


Notes for 1Vpp measurement channels:

If an error is detected at the 1Vpp-inputs (see opcRHS), the signal levels of the incremental encoder are or have been out of specification. Further information can be found in the users manual of the Irinos-System.

After an error has occurred, it is recommended to reset the gain- and offset-control by using the character ~ as the position parameter.

A complete reset of the measurement channel via the position parameter $ is not required for the most applications.

After resetting the gain- and offset-control, it takes a few signal periods until the control has determined the optimal parameters. During this process, the interpolation accuracy is limited. The measurement values can be inaccurate (however, no increments are lost). Further, the signal tolerance is limited during this process.