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Irinos Measurement System

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Limiting the number of static channels

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Limiting the number of static channels makes only sense if many measurement channels are available (about 64 or more) AND if a lot of dynamic measurement data needs to be transferred. If dynamic measurement is not used, there is no need to limit the number of static channels.


If the static measurement is active, the measurement values of all channels are transferred within each data frame from the Irinos-System to the MscDll. For systems with many measurement channels, this can lead to a low bandwidth for the transfer of dynamic measurement values. This can result in a long transfer time. However, typically not all static measurement channels are used simultaneously. Therefore it may be advantageous to limit the number of static measurement channels in systems with about 64 or more measurement channels, in case a lot of dynamic measurement data needs to be transferred.

Two steps are required:

a)All channels used for the static measurement must be defined via a channel list. Therefore the function MSC_WriteCommand together with the opcode opcWCL (0x22) is used.
Make sure to use a channel list, which is not used for dynamic measurement, e.g. channel list 10.

b)This channel list must be activated for static measurement using the function MSC_WriteCommand together with the opcode opcACL (0x24).

Please note that regarding the hardware status (opcode opcRHS) only information for measurement channels, which are contained in the channel list, is transferred (--> hardware status channels are equal to the static measurement channels).

MscDll statische Kanalliste

Steps for "limiting the number of static channels"


If necessary, multiple groups of measurement channels can be defined. Each group is placed into a separate channel list. Switching between the groups is done by selecting the respective channel list. By selecting the channel list 0, all measurement channels are activated for the dynamic measurement.