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Irinos Measurement System

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Power supply

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All Irinos-Boxes have a common 24 V power supply. This supply is connected to the Irinos-System via the ILink interface. The supply is forwarded to all other Irinos-Boxes via the ILink cabling.


Exceptions are:

-The Irinos-Boxes for digital in- and outputs (IR-DIO-...-EXTP-...): an external 24 V power supply is required for the in- and outputs.

-I/O-Boxes connected via the IO-Bus. Depending in their type, some have an integrated power supply, some require a separate one.

An Irinos power supply IR-PU is used to supply the Irinos-Boxes.


All internal supply voltages are generated via DC/DC convertes with galvanic isolation. For analogue voltages additional linear regulators are used (see figure). As a result, all internal power supplies of different Irinos-Boxes are separated. This increases the noise immunity, which is a precondition for precise measurement results. In addition, ground loops are avoided.

Please note that in any case a stable 24 V power supply with low noise in required for a trouble-free operation of the Irinos-System.


Irinos Spannungsversorgung

Irinos power supply