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Irinos Measurement System

Navigation: Users Manual Irinos-System > Measurement / Control via MscDll


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The MscDll is the link between the application software (measurement software) and the Irinos-System. It provides a common interface for reading the measurement values and status information and for system parameterization.

The MscDll directly uses the Windows API functions for the IP-based communication and for the thread-management and timing. It can be used with different Windows versions. It has been successfully tested with Windows XP (32 Bit) and Windows 7, 8 and 10 (32 & 64 Bit).
Inside the DLL a separate thread is running, controlling all the communication to the Irinos-System. The DLL interface functions provide data to this thread and vice versa.

Communication to the Irinos-System is based on UDP/IP. The DLL automatically retransmits a data packet, if it has been lost. A direct ethernet connection between the Irinos-System and the PC is adviced. Complex network structures, e.g. routing, tunneling, VPN, etc. are not supported due to timing efficiency.


In this chapter, the procedures and specialities of the application of the MscDll are described. A detailled specification of the functions and opcodes is available in the reference manual.

Even though it is technically possible to connect multiple Irinos-Systems via the same DLL, in reality this makes no sense because of the modular Irinos concept. Thus in the following chapters only systems with one connection are discussed.