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Irinos Measurement System

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This function returns the current version of the MscDll.




MSC_GetVersion(unsigned long* ApiVersion, unsigned long* DllVersion);




Returns the API version of the DLL. The upper 16 bits contain the major version, the lower 16 bits contain the minor version.


Returns the DLL version. The upper 16 bits contain the major version, the lower 16 bits contain the minor version.




If changes are made to the programming interface that are compatible with previous versions, then the minor version number (low order word) will be incremented. If changes are made that cause an incompatibility with previous versions of the interface then the major version number (high order word) will be incremented.

Applications should check the return value of this function against the MSCAPI_VERSION constant to make sure the DLL supports the expected API version. The major version number must match the expected number exactly. The minor version number needs to be greater than or equal to the expected number.

This function can be called without an active communication.