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Irinos Measurement System

Navigation: Irinos-Tool Users Manual > Irinos-Tool > Firmware update

Version numbers

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The version number of the firmware consists of 4 parts, which are separated by a dot, e.g. V1.3.4.534. The meaning of the parts is:

Part of the version number


1. Part, in the example: 1

"Major" version number

It is incremented, if the firmware is completely redesigned (-> happens seldom).

2. Part, in the example: 3

"Minor" version number

It is incremented, if new functionality has been implemented.

3. Part, in the example: 4


It in incremented, if one ore more bugs have been fixed.

4. Part, in the example: 534


Internal number for firmware identification.

In addition, firmware can be marked as "customer specific" or as "Beta version". A warning note is displayed before such a firmware can be downloaded. It must only be used after written notice by Messtechnik Sachs.