Small Measurement Application

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Small Measurement Application

For simple applications with low requirements regarding measurement speed, only a small portion of the NMX DLLs functionality is required.

In case reading measurement values from time to time, only 3 simple steps need to be implemented into your application:

1.Establishing a connection to the measurement system. This is typically done after the application has been started.

2.Closing the connection to the measurement system. This is typically done before the application is closed.

3.Reading the measurement values cyclically, e.g. within a timer routine.
It is good practice to check here for a connection failure. This is done by evaluating the return value of the function NMX_StaticGet32_1.


Please note: As an alternative to the NMX DLL, a very simple ASCII based interface is available. It can be accessed either via Telnet (similar to RS232) or via UDP. Please consult the respective documentation.