Reading static data

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Reading static data

Reading static data is in most cases an essential part of the measurement application. It is very simple to integrate.


The static data is transferred cyclically from the measurement system to the NMX DLL. Here it is stored in the internal buffer.
The typical update rate is approximately 30 Hz, but it is not guaranteed.
This cyclic update starts automatically after establishing the connection.

The measurement application can readout the static data from the DLL-internal buffer any time using NMX_StaticGet32_1. It will then get the newest data.



Typically all data is read-out via a single function call. There is neither a need nor a possibility to read each measurement channel value individually. The same applied to the other static data.

However, it is important to know, that calling the function NMX_StaticGet32_1 does not cause any additional data transfer. Thus there is no significant drawback calling it from different places of your source code (but only within the same thread). It is for example no problem reading static measurement values from one part of your software and reading digital input data from another part. Just set the unused pointers to NULL and the respective array size to 0.


There are two common ways of reading static data:

Event based after receiving a notification or

Calling NMX_StaticGet32_1 cyclically.

The technically better solution is event based. It is strongly recommended, if sampling is used. For very simple applications the cyclic call could be an alternative.