.NET Wrapper DLL

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.NET Wrapper DLL

For .Net based environments, like for example C# or VB.Net, a wrapper DLL is available (NmxDotNet.dll).

This DLL provides managed .Net function calls for your application. Internally, it converts between the managed .Net-World and the unmanaged native code of the NMX DLL:




In addition, the .Net DLL is much more convenient to use. There is for example no need to declare any function prototypes, since these are already embedded into the DLL.


Please note:

The wrapper DLL uses the standard NMX DLL. Therefore both DLLs (NmxDLL.dll and NmxDotNet.dll) must be placed in the same folder.

Since the wrapper DLL calls native code, it is "unsafe code" from the .Net perspective.
By default, unsafe code is not allowed in .Net applications. This setting must be changed in the "Build" section of your project properties, to allow unsafe code.

The API of the wrapper DLL is slightly different to the native DLLs API. For example arrays are handled differently. However, the basic concept is the same.