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Irinos Measurement System

Navigation: MscDll Reference Guide > Introduction > Preface

Intended use

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Irinos is a flexible High-Speed measurement system for the industrial production measurement technology.

The measurement device is not appropriate for use in medical fields or in explosive areas, for aerospace and for home- or office use. Other fields of application, which are not mentioned but similar, are also excluded from use.

In safety critical areas, the safety in operation must be ensured by external equipment (e.g. external emergency stop).


Please note:



Products from Messtechnik Sachs GmbH must only be used for applications, which are mentioned in the dataheet or in the related documentation. If third party products are used, these must be recommended or permitted by Messtechnik Sachs GmbH. Proper and safe operation of the products require appropriate transportation, storage, mounting, usage and maintenance. Environmental conditions stated in the specification must be observed as well as notes in the related documentation.