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Irinos Measurement System

Navigation: Users Manual Irinos-System > Maintenance, cleaning and disposal


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Unexpected / unintended reaction while cleaning the Irinos-System

If the Irinos-System is in operation while cleaning, this may result in unintended actions. This may lead to personal injury or damage at machinery.

Always turn off the Irinos-System before cleaning.


The cleaning work listed in the table below needs to be done regularly.

In case the Irinos-System is used in an environment with extensive dirt, the intervals may need to be reduced.



Cleaning work

3 Months

Remove oil and dust from all connector surfaces.

Use a cleaning paper, which has been moistened with washing-up water.

Wait until the connectors are completely dry before restarting the Irinos-System.


Clean the case with a cleaning paper, which has been moistened with washing-up water.

Use a scratch-less paper.