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Irinos Measurement System

Navigation: Users Manual Irinos-System > Mounting & Cabling

Mounting location

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The Irinos-Boxes are designed as field devices. This allows mounting in closed cases, e.g. in a switching cabinet, as well as placement next to the measurement device.

Especially for larger measurement applications, placement next to the measurement device is preferred. This provides two important benefits:

oCabling of the probes, encoders or any other sensors can be kept short. This results in a higher quality of the analogue signals. Further it helps to keep cables away from possible sources of noise.

oChanging a probe is easier, e.g. in case it is broken.


For a troublefree operation of the Irinos-System, please note:

Always keep a distance to possible sources of noise, e.g. frequency changers or motor cables.


An important factor regarding the location selection, is the IP protection class. Even though most of the Irinos components are available with a high protection class, it is in reality difficult to achieve it for the whole system. In order to comply with high IP protection classes, it is important to use appropriate cables and connectors. Most of the standard probes and incremental encoders are equipped with a connector providing a low protection (e.g. IP00 or IP40). These connectors would need to be replaced, which typically is not a favourite choice for the end user.

Hence it is adviced to place the Irinos-Boxes at places where a low or no IP protection is required.


The Irinos-Boxes have a low internal heat generation and are designed for typical industrial ambient temperatures. Further the internal measurement electronics has a high temperature stability.

Nevertheless a location with a moderate ambient temperature should be chosen (see also the specifications in the datasheets). It should particularly be avoided to place the Irinos components next to sources of heat, e.g. heat sinks of other devices or heating elements.