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Irinos Measurement System

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The MscDll

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The MscDll is the link between the application software (measurement software) and the Irinos-System. It supports the application in the following fields:

oRead measurement values from the Irinos-System.

oRead status information from the Irinos-System.

oRead / write digital in-/output data.

oParametrize the Irinos-System.

The MscDll uses the Windows API functions for IP based communication, thread management and timing.
Inside the MscDll a separate thread is cunning, which controls the communication. The DLL functions provide data to this thread and vice versa.

Communication to the Irinos-System is based on UDP/IP. The DLL automatically retransmits a data packet, if it has been lost. A direct ethernet connection between the Irinos-System and the PC is adviced. Complex network structures, e.g. routing, tunneling, VPN, etc. are not supported due to timing efficiency.